Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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When It Rains, It Pours

May 24, 2023

Dear friends,

You may know that our son Joshua has been in the Navy for seven years. He is currently stationed on Guam where he oversees repairs to submarines. He and his wife, Megan, with six year old Natalie, and one year old Michael live on the military base.

There is a super (violent) typhoon hitting Guam right now. Please pray for all those who live there, and especially for our family. May God use this for his glory in all these lives.



Also, Awm is still in ICU.  Yesterday his daughter texted me “He is better these couple days. But they have to put in a permanent catheter for him today to help drain the fluid in his body.  He had a mild heart attack last week. Until they can put in a stent and he is stable, they can’t transfer him to Tampa General Hospital, and look at a liver transplant. But they said they can’t put in the stent because if they put him under anesthesia he might not wake up due to the blood pressure medicine that they give to regulate his low blood pressure.”  Awm is still in a lot of pain but they have been giving him pain meds to make him a little more comfortable. 

Thanks so much for praying. This week is busy with saying goodbyes and doing logistic details to get ready to go. We will pack and load the truck on Monday. Hope to start driving on Tuesday.

Jennifer and Scott

This spoke to my heart this morning.  Seeking to learn this:




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