Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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  • United States
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  • Supported Staff
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in Chiang Mai Thailand

November 14, 2022

Dear Friends,

Oh the stories I could tell...  Maybe some pictures will help fill in the gap until I have the energy to write more. 

Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers.   You have literally picked me up off the floor multiple times when I have felt so incredibly weary.  God has continued to bless, protect and enable me as I finished my time in Bangkok and then traveled on to two different cities in Laos, two nights in Hanoi, Vietnam and now Chiang Mai.  I've met with a number of families as well as organizational leaders.  This week is full with a number of meetings and planning for a conference for my workers in Chiang Mai in May 2022.  Today we looked at two possible sites for the conference, and will determine soon where best to hold it.

I have 3 more nights in Chiang Mai and then fly down to Buriram to spend time with Nuansee's family until we fly back to the US on November 23 just in time for Turkey Day.

The many connections and conversations I have had in this trip will bear fruit in years to come as I continue to work to see families in OMF thrive as they serve our Lord among many unreached peoples in Asia.

With much thanks for you,


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