Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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An update from the Tibbetts

August 13, 2020

Dear Friends,


What a blessing to hear from many of you and to know that you are praying for us.  I wanted to update you on Scott's mom.  Scott had 2 weeks with her with time to play piano for her and sing to her.  He whispered messages of the gospel and God's love to her.  He told her he loved her and initially, Becky would reply "I love you too, honey."  Then she stopped talking and began to slip away.  They really appreciated the help of hospice to guide them on giving her morphine and other medications as her body shut down.  On August 5, Becky passed into eternity.  Scott stayed for another week to help his father Mike make the initial adjustments.  The day after Becky passed, they had a viewing at the local mortuary and special visiting with their neighbors from the past 47 years.  Scott had sweet times to connect with his cousin, sister and dad.  Today Scott flies home - it will be great to be together again - we've spent at least 6 weeks apart this summer. 

Thank you for those of you who offered to be my guinea pigs once I'm ready to share my presentation - hopefully soon!  The last few weeks have been very full with our missionary conference (a wonderful time - encouraging and debriefing with our workers especially with the challenges of international travel restrictions), beginning to handover responsibilities to those who will carry on with my work in the US personnel department, and carrying on the work until handover is complete.

Alysha's surgery went well and she is healing.  Please pray that internal healing will continue to move forward so she is no longer stiff.  She has a few more physical therapy sessions.  I would also appreciate prayers as I work with our insurance company - not easy as many of you may have experienced in getting complicated health claims resolved!

I have very much been enjoying an 8 week virtual course on Disciple Making Movements through a former megachurch in Lubbock, Texas -  I would highly recommend this training - how we in the US can reach the 200 million unreached Americans around us with the gospel in our everyday lives, particularly using Discovery Based Bible Studies -  This is based on serving people in our local communities and much prayer.  I encourage you to check this out!  And I'd love to dialogue more about it, if you like.

Meanwhile, Scott and I continue to move forward with our plans to move to the St. Petersburg, Florida area in mid-September.  Alysha will drive with us across country to Atlanta and then head off to the Wilmington, NC area to launch into young adulthood with the hopes of interning with Equine Assisted Therapy.  I was very excited recently to discover that there are over 2000 Thai people in the St. Petersburg area!  Have a look at this website and discover which unreached ethnic peoples are living near you!


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