Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Real time prayer requests

October 11, 2021

Dear friends, 

Scott and I are in North Carolina and working on wedding preparations as we excitedly anticipate Alysha's wedding this Saturday. God is bringing so many things together and we're so thankful for their church family who are doing a lot with decorating and bringing desserts to the reception. We had a special wedding shower with them on Sunday and they all expressed how much they love this young couple. 

Right now I am on my way to the house of the family that Alysha works for so that I can spend some time with nine-year-old Joel (I said he was 7 in last email,  had that wrong) and six-year-old Emily to try to help them do a bit of processing about their mother's death. I've never done anything like this before. Please pray for us. Christian family who love God. Tomorrow I may meet with a sixteen-year-old Micaiah for coffee. 

Also if you've been watching the news, a lot of flights are being canceled right now. Please pray for all the plane flights this week for people coming in for the wedding, including Josh, Megan and Natalie who are planning to arrive late today. 

Thank you again for caring and praying, Jennifer

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