Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
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'What is Easter?' Online Outreach

April 11, 2020

Since March 17th, due to COVID-19 restrictions, and out of love for our fellow human beings (not fear), our ministry here at the UW has transitioned entirely to an online meeting-room format using Zoom video-conferencing software (as seen in the photo above). We are thankful that we can still be sharing the Good News, mentoring internationals, teaching English classes, leading Bible discussions, answering questions online and via cellphone, and even see people's faces! Obviously, it is a less-preferred format for ministry than real face-to-face (read: less than 6 feet apart) ministry and fellowship, but nonetheless, we are thankful that our work can continue despite the limitations everyone is facing in their lives and occupations in this season of pandemic. 

Easter weekend our larger ISM team hosted this 'What is Easter?' event online, and we're thankful for how well-attended it was. The Zoom screenshot you see above does not even include everyone who took part in the meeting, as some of our international and American attendees were on screen #2! This was the largest Zoom meeting which I have ever hosted or been a part of! I had the honor of sharing the intro, which was a timeline comparison of when different Easter traditions such as chocolate eggs, baskets, the Easter Bunny, egg hunts, and dying eggs arose compared to the Resurrection of Jesus. I also got to share some basic apologetics for the trustworthiness of the Bible, and evidence for the Resurrection. After my intro, we split off to watch a newer version of the Jesus film called 'Magdalena: Released from Shame' in internationals' heart-languages, and then came back together for Q&A and small group discussion. We started at 7 pm, and my small group had questions and great spiritual discusussion until after 10 pm!