Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Display Table Talks in the Heart of Campus

September 9, 2021

Since before the beginning of this new fall semester, our teammate and I have been setting up a display table with a world map, some photos of our ministries and activities, and some flyers in the heart of the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus. Starting conversations with students and professors has led to some great discussions, and many chances to pass out flyers advertising our Bible studies, social outreach events, and English conversation times. One student from a Muslim background talked with us quite in depth about his family and religious background, and trying to navigate two cultures blended together. Today, two Korean ladies and one from Malaysia carried on a light-hearted conversation with lots of laughs, and left with flyers about our ministries. Many others have signed up to receive email updates about weekly events. Please join us in prayer for the thousands of new international students and visiting professors from over 130 different countries!

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