Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
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I Would Follow the Truth, No Matter the Cost

April 15, 2022

NOTE: To protect identities, this article and the photo do not portray the same people...

“If I came to believe it was true, I would follow the truth no matter the cost,” declared my international friend with much sincerity. He was answering my question, “What would you do if you came to believe the Bible is true?” We had been meeting to read his culture’s sacred book alongside the Bible, comparing and contrasting their similarities and differences. I gave him a New Testament in his native language, and he shared encouragingly that it is much easier for him to read it than a Bible in English, and that he had read the key parts about the crucifixion of Jesus, one of the big differences between his faith and ours.

I have asked him many questions as I’ve sought to study to understand his worldview better, and that has opened the door to me getting to share my testimony, the Gospel, and many biblical insights with him. Please pray for this young man, as I believe the Lord is revealing Himself to him, and that he is a world-changer and a non-conforming leader.

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