Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Healed from COVID-19, and Quadrilingual Bible Discussions!

December 30, 2020

We thank and praise the Lord for upholding us during our fight with COVID-19, and for healing us! We also are thankful for you, our prayer and missions partners, and for your intercession on our behalf! Joyah, our 11 year old, never really had noticeable symptoms. Trinia, our 14 year old, had minor symptoms for about a week, begining on December 1st. Kristen had fairly minor symptoms, and only dealt with symptoms maybe a week and a half. I (Jesse) had it the worst, with my dry cough and chest tightness lasting until about Dec. 17, when I finally felt back to normal. According to the CDC website, I should have been non-contagious beginning around Dec. 10, even though my cough persisted past that time. Now I'm about three weeks past being contagious, and about two weeks since symptoms went away. 

Even though we were quarantined for a few weeks, we've continued to work at 'making disciples of all nations' online. Above is a photo of a recent Bible study I and our team led, which had people attending with more than four native languages!

Can you guess which languages the three non-English ones are in the photo above?

Scroll down for answers...












Left to right:

Mandarin (Chinese simplified characters - Imagine how complex the non-simplified characters are!!!)


Farsi (Persian - the native language of most people in Iran)

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