Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
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Camping Bible Discussions and Outdoor Worship!

May 28, 2022

Even a half-burnt half-raw piece of corn on the cob tastes exquisitely gourmet when you’re camping (photo below)! Though it is inspired every time we read it, the ‘Bread of Life,’ the food for our souls, God’s Word, seems particularly striking when we read and discuss it outdoors around a campfire (see photo above). I also pulled out the guitar and led some worship songs with believers and seekers from six different nations. Relationship expert Gary Smalley talks about how camping is a great relationship-building activity because of the inevitable hardships and uncomfortable challenges that we must face. In our case, from bugs to sleeping inches from snoring friends, it certainly proved to be a bonding trip for our group.

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