Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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IFC Christmas Event!

November 23, 2021

Kristen crafting and interacting with friends from many different nations at our International Friendship Center (IFC) Christmas gathering...

It's such an honor and privilege to get to interact with these amazingly brilliant and friendly international students, visiting professors, post-doc researchers, and spouses from various countries, languages and people groups! Whether we're helping them improve their English grammar, vocabulary, and fluency, or sharing our faith and Scriptures with them, we are blessed by their hearts, lives, curiosity about Jesus and American culture, and their friendship. 

Events like this Christmas celebration are a wonderful time to interact outside of our regular in-person and online classes. Although we have students who log in from all around the world, many of our students are actually in Madison, Wisconsin, and come to class in-person at the Upper House, a magnificently located and strategic Christian center in the heart of the University of Wisconsin campus, and the venue for our in-person IFC classes. 

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