Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
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I Think I Saw God Through You Today!

September 3, 2023

I Think I Saw God Through You Today: 2023 Tour of Madison!

One of the international students who participated in our team’s ‘Tour of Madison’ commented: “Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine that an American would show me around Madison!  I am thinking to put all kinds of reviews online that everyone should come to grad school in Madison and meet all these nice people.  The one word I would use to describe today is ‘grateful.’  My mom told me that people rarely see God, but that sometimes we see God through other people, and I think I saw God through you today.” This year 169 volunteers from our team and local churches served together as drivers, ‘tour guides,’ and host homes to make the Tour of Madison a reality. About 230 internationals attended from 32 different countries! (Photo above: Jesse leads the orientation for drivers and 'tour guides' for the 2023 Tour of Madison). 

PHOTO ABOVE: New international students getting oriented before the free 'Tour of Madison,' their new city...

PHOTO ABOVE: Kristen with the students we toured around the city; the view across Lake Monona towards the Wisconsin state capitol.

PHOTO ABOVE: Kristen talking with some international students at the culmination of the Tour of Madison:

a visit to an American host home.

Our friend Mary opened her home to quite a large group of students, drivers, and 'tour guides' for refreshments and conversation. Because about 80% of international students statistically never once enter an American home, this was a huge deal for them to be welcomed into a local person's house. Please pray for effective follow-up of all these new students, and that 'adopt-a-student' type friendships would spring up out of this event. 

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