Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Ministering with Mom and Dad...

July 15, 2023

Now that our kids are teenagers, they are allowed to stay home on their own sometimes. So they no longer need to attend every ministry event with mom and dad like they did when they were little :-). However, at a recent IFC (International Friendship Center) event at an art fair, they joined us for serving and building relationships with some of our international students and visiting scholars in a fun outdoor setting. 

They've also been active in their school, reaching out, sharing their faith, and encouraging friends to grow deeper in their walks with the Lord. We're so thankful for these lovely young ladies the Lord has given us!

We're also thankful for the amazing internationals which we have the privilege of working with. Many of them are Ph.D.-holding professors and researchers who teach college students, write books and scholarly journal articles, and hold high positions in their home countries. They are uniquely positioned with platforms of influence to make an impact on many of their countrymen and women when they return home.

Now that our kids are teens, they are unable to come to every event; but at a recent IFC outing,

it was fun that the whole Kroll family could attend. Conversing with Asian friends of ours…