Summer: New Opportunities!
Photo above: Our younger daughter getting to practice all that Spanish she's learned in school with an International Friendship Center student friend of ours...
SUMMER: NEW OPPORTUNITIES… I love summer. So many fresh opportunities with our international friends! We have had to say several goodbyes this month, which is always hard… but we’ve been able to gift our friends with our favorite Book, and tell them why it has changed our lives, our marriage, everything. We pray as we send these friends off that the seeds which were planted will grow into a beautiful harvest. We also feel like God is telling us to minister in expectation, to be bold in proclaiming His story! Each day, I feel like God connects me in new interesting ways to our dear international community through a need, a sad day, a shared experience - all ways to love and plant seeds. Sisters and brothers, plant with expectation! He has told us if we remain in Him, we will bear much fruit! Thank you for praying in expectation and thanksgiving with us. Praise God we’ve had a lot of new faces in our summer IFC culture and English classes! Almighty and Loving God, please grow the seeds!