Jesse & Kristen K

Jesse & Kristen K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Now I understand what Christians believe!

January 1, 2023

INTERNATIONAL WINTER CAMP! – “Now I understand what Christians believe!”

Hearing one of our international friends make this excited exclamation was a highlight of the last several months! This fresh revelation arose out of a series of Bible discussions at a winter camp which we helped host between Christmas and into the New Year. The person who made this comment had many amazingly insightful questions about the Bible. Although some of the discussions were quite intense, we saw great progress in the group's understanding.

Our Madison team brought about twenty-five people total to this five-night, six-day retreat focused on building lasting friendships, diving into the Word, and sharing the Good News through a series of talks and songs. Jesse was asked to be the main speaker, delivering a series of talks to summarize the message of the Bible during the evening sessions. Jesse and our two daughters also led worship songs, which may seem a bit strange, given that many of the international students and professors attending are not believers, or are members of other religious groups. However, many international friends have told our team that they love hearing, and even singing, Christian worship songs, because they get a good feeling from participating, and they learn about the message of Jesus through the song lyrics.

Jesse utilizing his northern Wisconsin uprbringing and hockey experience to give beginner skating lessons...

Our two daughters and a friend performing at the New Year's Eve international talent show!

Jesse delivering one of his Gospel talks, summarizing the Bible from Genesis to Revelation...

International potluck dinner: explaining all of the ethnic dishes from all around the world!

Lively discussions of the Word!

An international card game - is that T's poker face?

The campfire-building competition: our group's log-cabin style fire was stellar, even if it didn't win...


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